What if you were Curious?

Are You Curious? The first post that I wrote when I started this blog was Top Ten Ways to Not to Follow Your Passion.  It was written a bit tongue in cheek of course because we all want to follow our passion, right?  Isn’t it just the obstacles, real or imagined that keep us from…

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Top Ten Ways NOT to Follow Your Passion

Are you following your passion? There’s a lot of talk about discovering your gifts and finding your passion these days.  In fact, following your dream through creating a dream job seems to have become a national pastime.  When I started The Called Woman Conference and wrote the book, The Call: Perfect Dream, Imperfect Life in…

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There’s no Age Limit to Dreaming

Remember the why behind your dream Achieving dreams knows no age limitations.  In fact, sometimes it is in our later years that we really hit our stride and begin accomplishing our heart felt goals. Meet Rae Mohrmann- Marathon runner. Set a goal of running a marathon in all fifty states, when she was 52 years…

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