Creating Calm: Relaxation Tactics and Activities

boy meditating

It really wasn’t that many years ago when people would ask me, “What problems could elementary age children possibly have that necessitates a full time counselor in an elementary school?” Fast forward to the environment of today, and we are all too familiar with the many mental health issues that children face. As elementary school…

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Everybody’s Welcome: How to Foster Inclusivity in the Classroom

kids together

Creating an inclusive classroom is vital to fostering a sense of belonging for every student. When students feel welcome and included, they are more likely to engage in learning, build positive relationships, and develop a strong sense of self-worth. As elementary school counselors, we have the unique opportunity to guide both teachers and students in…

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DISCover Your Temperament


Good counselors and educators do things well. Great counselors not only do things well but also teach and inspire others to do things well. One of the advantages of training counselors in DISC temperament assessment is that it opens up a whole new way to communicate with kids, parents and other educators. In addition, it…

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Celebrate Your Students’ Temperament!

Group Of Children Playing In Park

Every temperament has strengths Why does he act like that? Why would she say that? What’s wrong with her anyway? Have you ever said any of the above?  Don’t worry, we all have. One of the goals of understanding the four basic temperament styles is to move from misunderstanding a temperament in  others to accepting…

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Summer Reading List: What I’m Reading Now

little girl reading a book

Summer Reading List: What I’m Reading Now As you might imagine, I spend a lot of time reading books, listening to podcasts and watching videos, all in an effort to keep up with current thinking and new strategies for helping young children succeed in our challenging world. Summertime is often a great time to catch up…

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