5 Ways to help children develop GRIT

kids on playground

5 Ways to Help Children Develop GRIT Prepare the child for the path; not the path for the child.  (author unknown) Over fifty years ago, Emmy Werner, a psychologist did a groundbreaking four decade study of hundreds of children living on the Hawaiian island, Kauai. One third of the kids were born into poverty or…

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Helping kids develop grit


Helping kids develop grit You’ve got one kid in your class who is knocking it out of the park… they are on top of their assignments they are engaged they ask questions and are genuinely interested in learning You’ve got another who is failing… they are always behind the eight ball they are disengaged they are…

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How do you get kids engaged?


Encouraging kids to be engaged in learning You’ve got one kid in your class who is knocking it out of the park… they are on top of their assignments they are engaged they ask questions and are genuinely interested in learning You’ve got another who is failing… they are always behind the eight ball they are…

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