One simple step toward building confidence

Need more confidence? Maybe you’ve said: I believe I have the ability… but I just don’t have the confidence I need to make the change. I’ve accomplished a lot but if I were more confident, I could really make a difference. Don’t worry, I totally get it.  I’ve struggled with feeling confident my whole life. …

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Is your mindset sabotaging your business?

Mindset Matters in Business What if it’s possible that you are accidentally sabotaging your business with a scarcity mindset? Have you ever said: “Charging that price would be highway robbery.” “I try to help everyone who needs my help.  If I get more specific about who I serve, I’ll wind up with no clients at…

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Having a confidence breakdown?

woman with hat

Low confidence a problem? “Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.”   Ever had your Inner Critic take control? Maybe your inner voice said something like… Who do you think you are to imagine you could..? Everyone else does it better than you. Everyone else is more successful than you. Maybe it’s time to…

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