5 things I wish I knew when I started my business

Five Things I’ve Learned From Starting a Business My coaching business has been many years in the making.  For years, I was working full time as a school counselor while coaching, writing and training  on the side.  I officially left school counseling and launched my coaching business six years ago.  Since I’d been working in…

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Having a confidence breakdown?

woman with hat

Low confidence a problem? “Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.”   Ever had your Inner Critic take control? Maybe your inner voice said something like… Who do you think you are to imagine you could..? Everyone else does it better than you. Everyone else is more successful than you. Maybe it’s time to…

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Are you stressed out? Being an entrepreneur means being stressed… right? Isn’t that just part of the way things work?   Stressed about getting new clients. Stressed about getting work done. Stressed about how to present your elevator pitch at the next networking event. What if being stressed isn’t the way it has to be? …

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