Stressed out?

girl and dog

You deserve a break today… Wonder why so many children today are anxious, unmotivated and stressed out? Could it be that the opportunity for play is rapidly becoming extinct? Every day in every way we are all about being productive and busy. Schools are increasingly  focused on academics and data collection (even in preschool). No…

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What is the greatest gift you can give a teacher?

apple for teacher

It’s that time for teacher gifts As school comes to a close, teachers are being lavished with gifts, flowers and no doubt dozens of Starbucks gift cards.  As I dropped off gifts for teachers at the schools in my area ( several Wyatt the Wonder Dog books to use in their classrooms),  I had to…

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Are you all teachered out?

tired teacher

5 Essential Needs to Teacher Renewal Already counting down to the last day of the school year? Living for summer break and the relief it offers? Spring break already a distant memory? Have only one goal left…survival? Sounds like you are all teachered out… You started the school year with lots of enthusiasm and dreams…

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My job is killing me…

Five steps to take now Maybe you’ve been there.. Awake at 3 am dreading the next day at work and thinking, “I should be sleeping, I should be sleeping…” Anticipating the horrible commute and wouldn’t you know…today there’s even an accident to make it twice as bad. Thinking you have a week where you can catch your…

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How to develop motivation in kids

boy doing homework

How to develop motivation in kids In today’s educational environment, we are more aware than ever that student motivation and engagement is essential for lasting learning. I can’t tell you how many times as a school counselor, I had discussions with teachers, parents and kids about being motivated. However, I’m afraid we rarely discussed how…

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you belong

build your business meeting

How to create a relationship that matters Ever felt lonely? Left out? Wondered if you would ever be truly appreciated and cared for? I recently spoke with someone who told me, he never feels lonely.  Although he lives alone and does not currently have a partner, he still does not recall ever feeling lonely in…

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