Feeling letdown?

Had a recent letdown? Felt like everything was going your way…then BAM! you are blindsided by  ~a rejection ~a run in with your manager at work ~a sarcastic remark from a friend ~a relative that withdraws their support. It happens to all of us.  Some days just suck.  But you can count on it happening…

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The growth mindset and success

boy scientist

Growth Mindset is the Key to Success Which statement describes what you believe:? You can learn new things but you really can’t change your IQ very much.  Your IQ is something that is just part of your DNA. You can not only learn new things but substantially change how intelligent you are. In her book…

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Four Coaching Myths

Business Coaching … who needs it? Can’t you learn everything you need from reading books and attending training? Your best friend also has a business, can’t you just ask her for help if you need it? Sure things are tough, hectic even but its going okay– sort of.  Shouldn’t you wait until you are in a…

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One Word to Create Focus

family and one word

One Word and Focus Kids grow up so fast. The world changes even faster. What will your students be like in five years?  Ten years? Do they have a vision for the future?  Do they have an idea of the values and the principles that are their foundation? Stephen Covey  wrote extensively about the importance of…

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Broken Business Models

broken piggy bank

I talk with a lot of service based business owners with broken business models.  Here are common themes: stressed out can’t  find time for themselves overworked with too much too do can’t find the clients they want working in lots of directions but getting no results. Do you see yourself in that picture? Many of…

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Three ways to tackle anxiety among children


The Anxiety Epidemic There is no question that anxiety among children (and adults for that matter) is on the rise. When I first began school counseling over 20+ years ago it was rare to have a child referred for anxiety.  By the time I left the field five years ago, I was running a regular…

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