How to motivate kids


Kids and Motivation He has the potential to do so much more… She daydreams all the time and never focuses on the lesson. He doesn’t care and it shows in his work. Parents sheltering at home and responsible for helping their children stay engaged with their schoolwork are frustrated.  How do you motivate an unmotivated…

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How to Create a Plan for Better Behavior


A Better Behavior Plan I once was counseling the parents of a child who didn’t want to come to school.  After investigating the situation and making sure there wasn’t a bully at school who was intimidating him or a problem with academics that was discouraging him, we talked about setting up a reinforcement program where…

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Three ways to reset your business during a crisis

group conversation

Reset Your Business The Covid-19 crisis has probably had a feast or famine effect on your business. Some businesses are so busy trying to meet the surge in demand that owners and employees alike are exhausted. Other businesses are stalled and in waiting mode as they wonder when they can reopen and get back on…

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Top Ten Ways NOT to Follow Your Passion

Are you following your passion? There’s a lot of talk about discovering your gifts and finding your passion these days.  In fact, following your dream through creating a dream job seems to have become a national pastime.  When I started The Called Woman Conference and wrote the book, The Call: Perfect Dream, Imperfect Life in…

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Decrease the Stress while Sheltering in Place

Decrease the Stress while Sheltering in Place As you read all the posts about family bonding while sheltering in place are you wondering how they do it? Keeping your fingers crossed that everyone will get along? Finding it exhausting instead of relaxing? Here are some tips: Plan together Involve the whole family in planning the…

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How to Mentally Weather the Current Crisis

How to Mentally Weather the Current Crisis Are you finding yourself overwhelmed and stressed out over the current Covid-19 situation? Are your worries making it hard to do your work whether at home or still in the workplace? Are you anticipating the worst possible outcome for you, your work or your family? A few years…

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