The secret sauce to setting and achieving goals

dream big set goals

Secret Sauce to Goal Setting What does the child in your life wish for in the new year? score a winning run for their baseball team? make an A in algebra? make a new friend? a pony? As we look toward the new year, it is always a good time to teach children about goal…

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Do vision boards work?

vision board

Vision Boards don’t work… You do! “Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.” – Joel Barker Some people are skeptical about vision boards. I’m not surprised. The way vision boards are usually presented is you get together with some friends,…

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What Will Be Your One Word for 2021?

anything is possible

 Create Focus and Energy with One Word The New Year is here and I have a quick little test for you. (Don’t you just love pop quizzes?) When I think about my plans for 2019, I am… a.  Not setting goals.  They never worked before and it is a waste of my time. b.  Evaluating…

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The secret to presenting well

The secret to presenting well For the past few years, I’ve done a lot of training at schools, businesses and conferences.  When I first started, I spent hours, days, weeks getting ready for the event.  I researched.  I practiced. I researched some more.  I rewrote the material.  I practiced…  You get the idea.   Sometimes…

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