Seven secrets to teach kids how to cooperate

Two girls playing together with wooden toy blocks

Cooperation is a critical social skill Most parents and teachers would agree that cooperation is a critical skill for life success that requires communication, empathy and respect.  Even young children can begin to learn simple ways to cooperate. Learning to use teamwork at home and in the classroom will eventually serve children well as adults. How…

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The anxious child and an antidote to stress

boy questioning

An Antidote to Being Stressed  Out Kids who are too anxious to go to school. Kids who worry that they will get sick. Kids who anticipate that something bad will happen to them. Kids who feel like they never measure up. We all experience stress in its many forms. Sonia Lupien at the Centre for Studies…

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Are you living your biggest story?

Three Keys to Living Your Best Story Are you living your life with enthusiasm?  Are you living your biggest story? Are you creating your own dance or just following the routine?? Here’s a preschooler who could teach us all a lesson about how to live with gusto!   What Are Your Excuses? If only I…

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giving kids corrective feedback

father talking to dgtr

4 Steps to Successful Feedback How many times do I have to tell you to do that the right way? What were you thinking? Aren’t you ever going to learn? Have you ever said any of the above statements? As adults, parents and educators we are frequently faced with giving children corrective feedback. How do…

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Are you accidentally sabotaging your dream?

Maybe your mindset is the problem… Are you waiting for your knight in shining armor? Do you have a project, a mission really, but can’t seem to get started? Do you have a dream business that you are waiting to begin, when you have more time and money? Are you waiting for a sign that you need…

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Teaching children to have courage

girl on high rope

What is the meaning of courage? In her book, The Gifts of Imperfection, Brene Brown identifies the three cornerstones of whole hearted living:  courage, compassion and connection.  Wouldn’t we all  love to encourage these qualities in our children? The word courage comes from the the Latin word, “cor” which means heart.  Today courage is usually associated…

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