Crucial Conversations with Employees

What to Do When that Employee isn’t Working Out You have someone working for you and it’s not going well. He isn’t doing his job. She is making a lot of mistakes. Maybe they aren’t even showing up. It could be a full-time employee, a part time employee or someone who you contract with occasionally.  Maybe…

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3 ways to develop leadership skills in children

girl smiling

Children and Leadership Business leaders today tell us that in the name of creating a generation of children with high self esteem, we’ve created a generation of young adults who believe in themselves but who can’t seem to finish a degree or keep a job. Participation trophies for showing up and endless affirmations of “good…

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how much should you charge?

How to determine your price point As I work with clients to create a business, one of the details that often gets a lot of discussion is: What should I charge? Most begin by under-pricing their product or striving to make it economical so customers will want to buy it. There a several reasons not…

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10 Ways to Hire Successfully

How to Hire Successfully Covid 19 has created a mixed bag in the business world. Some businesses are so busy they can’t keep up with the demand, especially if their product is necessary to protect individuals from the virus. Others are shutting down altogether and their employees are out of work. If you are in…

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What is holding you back?

 Three Mindsets that Keep You Stuck One of my favorite books is Who Moved My Cheese?  by Spencer Johnson.  I especially like the children’s version with it’s colorful pictures and clever text. As a school counselor, I read the story in classrooms and discussed the behavior of the four characters with children. I’ve also loaned…

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The 3 types of stress and how to cope


In today’s post-Covid world, stress has become an everyday part of life, even for young children. In the excellent book, The Self-Driven Child by William Stixrud, Phd, and Ned Johnson, the authors write about the stress that kids experience. In fact, all stress is not equal.  Some stress can be useful or even helpful. The…

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