The Secret to Successful Parent Conferences

parent with child

How to engage parents through crucial conversations Recently I presented a training on parent engagement and crucial conversations for the staff at a local school.  You might wonder why a school would be interested.  It was a school that already delivers a great academic program with lots of dedicated teachers.  The involvement of parents is…

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The secret formula to help kids develop self-confidence

family and one word

Developing resilient children  A key component to develop resilient children is recognizing that every child already has the necessary ingredients for resilience within. As educators and parents we don’t have to instill it in them. We just have to provide an environment where it is nurtured and can grow. In her book, Thrivers: The Surprising…

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Focus now: Overcoming distractions

How to regain focus in your life The human brain was made to notice distractions.  This probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you if you live in our technology driven world.  The ping of a text message, the lure of a new Facebook post and the pull of unread emails can disrupt even the…

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5 Ways to help children develop GRIT

kids on playground

5 Ways to Help Children Develop GRIT Prepare the child for the path; not the path for the child.  (author unknown) Over fifty years ago, Emmy Werner, a psychologist did a groundbreaking four decade study of hundreds of children living on the Hawaiian island, Kauai. One third of the kids were born into poverty or…

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A simple and fun way to teach kids to set goals

Kids Dream Big

Kids, Intentions, Goals, and Vision Boards If there is one activity that is always a hit with kids, it’s creating a vision board.  I’ve used vision boards as a way to create focus for kids around different topics such as goal setting or determining an intention for the next season. A great way to set…

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5 simple fun steps to teach goal setting for 2022

Kids Dream Big

Kids and Vision Boards If there is one activity that is always a hit with kids, it’s creating a vision board. It’s fun, simple and creative. I’ve used vision boards as a way to create focus for kids around different topics such as goal setting or determining an intention for the new year ahead. Here’s how:…

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