How do you change a child’s behavior?

kids in the school, classroom

Changing a Child’s Behavior Educators wonder how to get children to apply themselves and care about learning the prescribed curriculum. School counselors wonder how to get children to change negative behaviors into positive ones that serve the both the child and their peers. Parents wonder how to do all of the above while managing to…

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7 Questions to Measure Success

woman and goals

Here’s a quick survey for you: Being an elementary school counselor can be Exciting Fun Fulfilling Lonely Frustrating Overwhelming All of the above Other: My guess is that on any given day you could answer: All of the Above. As employees of a school system, we of course have yearly evaluations regarding our success at…

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Living a purposeful life

woman unsure

Three ways to live a life of purpose Are you living the life you wish to live? Or are you living a life of comfortable complacency? I believe we all have a mission or a calling in life.  It might not be a big world wide mission like caring for the dying as Mother Teresa…

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Overwhelmed? 5 Practical Steps to Regain Control

Feeling Overwhelmed? Got too much to do? Are your To Do Lists multiplying like rabbits? Feel like you are on a never-ending tread mill? What would it be like if you could regain focus and get back in the driver’s seat? What if instead of making organization a goal… you established some habits that would…

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Five Reasons to Smile

girl smiling

Need a free and effortless mood lifter? What if there was one simple thing that you could do repeatedly, that would life your mood and the mood of everyone around you, teachers and kids alike? And what if that one thing was so simple it took no extra energy or effort? What if it was…

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What if stress is good for you?

How embracing stress can result in growth Take a moment and think about a time in your life when you experienced a lot of personal growth.  Perhaps it was in your career or your personal life.  Maybe it was a time of spiritual growth. Got it? Now pause again and think about a time in…

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