New Counselor? The Secret to a Winning Job Interview

Seven Steps to Take Charge of a Job Interview Every new school counselor has to begin somewhere  and that means nailing a job interview. I can still remember finishing graduate school and the stress of looking for a job, getting called in for an interview and then ultimately learning that I didn’t get the position.…

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6 steps to take charge of test anxiety

Male Student Working At Desk In Chinese School Classroom

Conquering Test Anxiety is Possible As the school year winds down, anxiety ramps up. There is anxiety over passing to the next grade and completing projects. But most of all there is anxiety over testing. The best way to eliminate test anxiety, is to put testing in it’s proper perspective.  In an education world where…

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Are Kids Less Disciplined than Ever?

Young girls playing or working on a computer

Kids and Discipline If you have any connection to the educational system as I do, it’s not unusual to hear teachers complain that children today are much harder to teach than in years past. In fact, the job of the teacher has become so difficult that the average length of time that new teachers stay…

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Where Negative Thoughts Come From and How to Change Them

stressed kid

Negative thoughts… we’ve all got them. But where do they come from? Kids and adults alike probably think that negative thoughts just happen but in actuality there are four places that they may come from. We fail at something or make a mistake: Instead of seeing failure as a necessary part of success, instead we…

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5 Steps to Change Negative Feelings

unhappy boy

All of our emotions are feelings in our body that we create based on our thoughts.  This is true of positive and negative feelings. Sometimes these thoughts are so ingrained that they are practically unconscious.  Sometimes they are either so common in society or in our minds that we accept them without question as the…

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