Finding clients
Worn out with attracting clients?
My first attempt at starting my own business was writing and selling children’s picture books for school counselors. I started it about nine years ago when I had not a clue about how to write a book or publish it, never mind how to promote or sell it. As it turned out, the biggest challenge was changing my mindset about selling. I had always thought of myself as someone who couldn’t sell anything and the thought of pushing my personal product and generating interest felt selfish and aggressive. I was definitely outside of my comfort zone and entering new territory. Fast forward to today when I regularly attend conferences and connect with counselors, administrators and educators who not only purchase all eight of my books but schedule me to conduct training at schools.
Today, I often coach solo-preneurs on starting a side business much like I did several years ago. Before each coaching session, clients complete a clarity tool to help them get focused on what they would like to work on during our time together. Guess what is one of the most frequent topics? Need to get clients!!! (Note the number of exclamation marks!)
This can feel like a never ending struggle for new business owners in start-up. I know, I’ve been there. So what is the answer? Here’s a video I created on how and where to connect with your next client:
You and Your Clients-Building a Relationship from Lynne Watts on Vimeo.

Kim Yarborough
GO FOR IT! Dream Achiever Coaching has helped me give voice to my long-term dreams and begin to take the necessary steps to finally make them a reality. Lynne is very encouraging, and helps me see things in ways I may not have otherwise seen. Working with Lynne has given me a new confidence that I CAN achieve my dreams!
Need help starting your side business? Want to take it to the next level? Let’s talk: