Need an exit plan from your job?

Do you fantasize about leaving your job?

Are you counting the days until the next vacation or holiday?

Is Sunday evening the worst time of the week because you dread the long week ahead?

Is Take this Job and Shove It at the top of your playlist?

What if instead of thinking about leaving your job, you took action?

Not crazy, spur of the moment, OMG-what-was-I- thinking action, but a carefully thought out I-know-where-I’m-going action?

What if instead of complaining and stressing about your job, you used that energy to create an exit plan?

Rather than wait until you  can’t take another minute, have a nervous breakdown and quit on an impulse, you could set a future exit date and develop action steps to get you there.

Think it’s possible?

In May 2014 I left my career of 20 years to begin a brand new chapter in my life. Today, I am an entrepreneur, but it didn’t happen overnight.  After spending a lifetime working for someone else, I now work for myself.  I have authored eight children’s books and three motivational books for adults.  I speak at conferences, perform training at local schools and coach individuals on how to find purpose and create work they can love.

Has it been an adjustment?  Yes!

Has it been worth it?  Absolutely!

Planning Ahead

Here’s three tips to create an exit plan:

1.  Know why and what you want to leave.  I know you are  thinking…”Well duh, I hate everything about the job!” but you need to be more specific.  Otherwise you will simply move on to something else and wake up one day to realize you have re-created the same experience.  Here are some examples of why you might want to leave:

  1. I want to be in control of my own schedule
  2. I want to work with people who are as enthusiastic and passionate about the work as I am
  3. I want to do work that matters and get out of the rat race

2. Clarity is Key–Equally important is what you are leaving it for.  While most of us dream of a life spent lying on the beach and sipping our favorite beverage, the reality of doing that day after day can be boring and ultimately depressing. Having the mental and emotional pieces in place before you leave a job is as essential as creating a business timeline. While you may need a break or a sabbatical, make sure that you are prepared for the lack of structure, social interaction and support that follows leaving a job and creating your own business. As one friend told me, “I was excited at first to work on all the projects that I’d been putting off around the house. Eventually though I got them all done and thought, well what am I going to do with my time now?”

Ask yourself:

  • What is my skill set, my genius work, my superpower?
  • What is the environment that I thrive in?
  • How much money do I need/want to make?
  • Does my new endeavor require training?  Going back to school?

3.  Create a Budget— this is critical!

  • What is your income now? Know where it goes by giving every dollar a home.
  • What will your income be in the future? Estimate if necessary.  Create a budget for the future and make sure all the expenses are covered.
  • How much money do you need/want to make?

Transitioning from employee to  entrepreneur or from one career to another  can be scary and exciting at the same time.  You can create the best possible results with a well thought out and executed exit plan.

Need some help setting up your exit plan?

Ready to make a change in your life?

Check out my workbook to get started:    Simple Steps to an Extraordinary Life 

Want more?  Dream to Reality 7 week intensive includes 2 coaching calls!  Dream to Reality

Amy Molley

The seminar is more than worthwhile!  It provides insightful information and suggestions to achieve your goal, dream and business.  It  is empowering and encouraging.  I don’t think I could have started my business without the guidance of Lynne Watts!~ Amy Molley,    

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