Begin School with Intention-Plan for Reflection


How Intention and Reflection Determine Learning What was the most memorable and significant year of school for you? The first year you attended school? The year you starred in the class play? The year you won an award? The year you graduated? Research has shown that an important part of learning in any environment is reflecting on our…

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Reflecting on the School Year… A Vital Lesson

Male Student Working At Desk In Chinese School Classroom

As the school year draws to a close, elementary school counselors have a golden opportunity to teach a crucial lesson on the importance of reflection. Reflecting on the past school year allows students to celebrate their successes, learn from their failures, and prepare for the journey ahead. Why Reflection Matters Reflection is a powerful tool…

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Be the hero in your story

superman kid

How to be the hero in your own life In a school where I was doing some training, I found this quote on a classroom wall: “Be the hero in your own story.”  I love the concept.  In recent years the story arc has been incorporated into business and many other mediums where we might…

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Nurturing the Nurturers: Self Care Tips Amidst Stressful Times

counselor with student

In the whirlwind of supporting students, managing crises, and navigating the ever-changing landscape of education, it’s easy for us as counselors to neglect our own well-being. However, prioritizing self-care is not just beneficial—it’s essential. What Has Changed? Increasing Demands: The days of wondering why there even needs to be a counselor in the schools is…

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4 Ways to Develop Resilient Kids

boy on ladder

We all know people who have experienced tremendous challenges in their lives. Perhaps you are one of them. Sometimes it is a physical challenge, sometimes it is an environmental challenge and other times it is a menta or emotionall challenge. After talking with someone about  their personal challenge, I always ask, “What is it that…

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3 Ways to Help Kids Make Friends

kids on playground

Not having a friend can be hard… What if it’s the first day of school and you are the new kid in the class? What if you return to school after a summer off,  only to find that your best friend  has made a whole new set of friends and you aren’t in the circle…

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