Kids who feel overwhelmed

stressed kid

Kids Who Feel Overwhelmed It’s not just adults who feel overwhelmed today. Kids it seems have more pressures and challenges than ever. Not to mention that we all live in a pessimistic, if something bad can happen then it probably will world. What can we as adults do to help kids ( and ourselves while…

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Kids accepting limitations

pencils life quote

Accepting limitations Every one has some sort of limitation in life.  For some this may be an actual physical disability, for others it is more subtle.  Some children have difficulty with math, or reading or social skills.  It is a rare child who excels in every area. Often as adults in children’s lives we either try…

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how to teach kids not to give up

Male Student Working At Desk In Chinese School Classroom

Use Brain Science to Teach Kids Not to Give Up Brain science has dramatically changed how we think about the brain.  While much of the research has been applied to helping children learn better in an academic setting, growth mindset research has also taught us how to help children develop high self-esteem while at the…

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Motivating Students

tired teacher

Motivating Students At an elementary school training, a teacher asked me about strategies for a student who has no motivation.  He refuses to do any work at all and she has tried numerous strategies already.  “I’ve tried everything and nothing works,” she said.  As a school counselor for 20 years, I often heard similar concerns.…

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Ten Engaging Questions to Ask Your Child

mother with daughter hugging and talking

Asking Questions that Make Kids Think As a school counselor, I often talked with parents who were concerned about their inability to engage their children in meaningful conversations. They’d ask, “What did you do at school today?” and get the standard response:  “Nothing.”  They’d learn from other parents or the teacher about significant events or…

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helping kids handle disappointment

frustrated girl

Developing Skills to Handle Disappointment We all face disappointment, children and adults alike.  Whether it’s missing the winning shot or rain that ruins a picnic at the park, life is full of big and little disappointments.  As parents and teachers we would like to spare kids from these letdowns.  However, we can do children a greater service…

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