Posts by Lynne Watts
One Word for 2021
One Word can Inspire Your Family What do you dream of for you and your family in 2021? Do you have a vision for your family’s future? Do you have an idea of the values and the principles that are your family’s foundation? Wonder how to make that dream happen? Resolutions and setting goals are…
Read MoreThe secret sauce to setting and achieving goals
Secret Sauce to Goal Setting What does the child in your life wish for in the new year? score a winning run for their baseball team? make an A in algebra? make a new friend? a pony? As we look toward the new year, it is always a good time to teach children about goal…
Read MoreMake 2021 an intentional year
Girls and Emotional Literacy
Girls and Emotional Literacy It’s not just boys who have trouble with emotional literacy. While boys may have trouble recognizing emotions and expressing them in appropriate ways, girls are more likely to recognize and name emotions, but stuff negative feelings. Girls express positive emotions in an effort to please others but save expression of negative…
Read MoreHelping Boys Develop an Emotional Vocabulary
Helping Boys Develop an Emotional Vocabulary I’ve written a lot of posts on kids and emotions. There are several reasons for this. In many ways, emotions rule our thoughts and our actions, yet very little is taught about how to manage emotions in a positive way. Most of us simply learn that we need to…
Read MoreTeaching kids to get better at getting along
Teaching kids to get along together You’ve got two kids who disagree and fight constantly… Yet they seem attracted to each other like magnets… You’ve talked to them You’ve threatened them You’ve separated them… repeatedly. What’s the answer? We’ve all been in this situation before as educators and parents; two kids who just can’t get…
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