Burned out?

teacher burnout

Four Ways to Overcome Burnout At my age, I talk to a lot of retired teachers as well as many educators who are counting the years until they can retire. While I do know teachers who absolutely love their work, there are a large number who are dissatisfied. In fact, about 50% of new teachers…

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5 Ways to Create a Summer of Renewal

family relaxing on the grass

Do this… Not this Does summer mean a time of renewal for you? How do you make that happen? Here’s how NOT to make it happen: Dive into the weeks ahead with no plan except to fill every moment with enriching activities.  Schedule back to back camps or sports activities for the kids. Volunteer for every…

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Suffer from mid-year burnout no more…

teacher burnout

Get Fired Up and Finish Strong The school year is more than half over and much of the excitement and anticipation of a new class is long gone. How can you keep the energy and enthusiasm going for the next few months? How can you maintain a positive focus in the midst of the negative…

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Are you all teachered out?

tired teacher

5 Essential Needs to Teacher Renewal Already counting down to the last day of the school year? Living for summer break and the relief it offers? Spring break already a distant memory? Have only one goal left…survival? Sounds like you are all teachered out… You started the school year with lots of enthusiasm and dreams…

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