Classroom Stress Relief Strategies for Kids

girl with glasses thinking

Students today are more stressed than any time in history.  Causes of stress may  include social pressures, family conflict, food/housing insecurity, struggles with identity or self-esteem, academic pressures, and life transitions. Any stressor can significantly impact a child’s mental health. Equipping students with coping mechanisms within the classroom setting is critical for their overall well-being.…

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4 Ways to Raise a Happy Child


4 Ways to Raise a Happy Child What does it take to raise a happy child? A trip to the toy store and a pocketful of cash? A loaded bag of candy after a night of trick or treating? Popcorn, a movie and permission to stay up late? While all these things might garner a…

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Breathing Your Way to Calm

boy meditating

Breathing Techniques to De-Stress Kids Back when I was in school counseling, using breathing techniques to help kids gain control over emotions, especially anxiety and stress wasn’t as common as it is today. Today mindfulness which can involve centering our attention on our senses and using breathing practices to regulate emotion is not only easy…

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