Be the hero in your story

superman kid

How to be the hero in your own life In a school where I was doing some training, I found this quote on a classroom wall: “Be the hero in your own story.”  I love the concept.  In recent years the story arc has been incorporated into business and many other mediums where we might…

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3 Ways to Help Children Develop Resilience

tug of war

3 Ways to Help Children Develop Resilience What does a child do when faced with a challenging situation? Give Up Find an adult to fix the problem Attempt to solve the problem What is resilience?  It is the ability to recover from difficulties. What are the key factors in developing resilience?  Here’s what we know…

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Empowering Kids to Be the Hero in Their Life Journey

superhero boy and girl

What if instead of thinking of our lives as a random series of events, we thought of our lives as a story with each of us as the hero faced with challenges, triumphs and opportunities for growth? What if we not only shared this concept with students, but taught them the power of seeing themselves…

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Nurturing the Nurturers: Self Care Tips Amidst Stressful Times

counselor with student

In the whirlwind of supporting students, managing crises, and navigating the ever-changing landscape of education, it’s easy for us as counselors to neglect our own well-being. However, prioritizing self-care is not just beneficial—it’s essential. What Has Changed? Increasing Demands: The days of wondering why there even needs to be a counselor in the schools is…

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Growing Strong: Four Characteristics of Resilient Children

excited kids

It is a rare individual who does not encounter  disappointments and difficulties during their childhood years. As counselors, we have the privilege of nurturing tomorrow’s leaders and helping them develop courage and resilience in order to handle these difficulties. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, overcome obstacles, and adapt positively to life’s…

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