Cultivating a Generous Spirit in Elementary Students during the Holidays
The holidays are a beautiful season filled with twinkling lights, cozy gatherings, and a general air of festivity. However, they also present a golden opportunity to help our young learners develop a generous spirit and a servant heart. So, how can we, as guides in their learning journey, help foster these invaluable traits? 1. Start…
Read MoreTaking the Stress out of Holiday Giving
Holiday Giving and the 5 Love Languages Do you feel like your children or students have a case of the “Christmas gimmies?” Is “no” fast becoming your most frequently used word during the holiday season? Are you rushed and stressed already about shopping and hosting family events? The holiday season is here and as usual…
Read MoreCelebrating Unity in Diversity During the Holiday Season
The holiday season, with its rich tapestry of traditions and celebrations, presents a beautiful opportunity to introduce children to the wonders of diversity. It’s a time when homes are aglow with different traditions, stories, and rituals. So, how can we help our children not only understand but also appreciate the incredible mosaic of cultures around…
Read MoreThe Power of the Positive
Setting the Tone with a Positive Culture How often do you begin the day, the conversation, the class, the lesson… with something positive? Could it make a difference in learning, attitude and interactions? When we come from a genuine and positive place, we are more likely to get a positive response. Not to mention that…
Read MoreA Surprising and Simple Way to Treat Anxiety and Depression
How Random Acts of Kindness Can Help With Anxiety and Depression Mental health issues and especially depression and anxiety are at an all time high among young people. One of the impacts of Covid for many schools has been an increased number of students who are too anxious to even come to school, never mind…
Read MoreSchool Counselors and “Extra Duties”
Recess Duty Lunch Duty Specials Rotation Classes Testing Coordinator It goes on and on. Everyone in a school must pull together to make it work, so teamwork counts, but what do you do when you feel that all the extra duties are creating a serious problem in meeting the goals of the actual job description…
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