Top 3 Mistakes School Counselors Make

Surprised frustrated young woman

And how to correct them No matter whether you are in small school or a large one, a public school or a private one, school counselors often make the same mistakes. How do I know? I was a school counselor for 20 years and I’ve made them all myself.  The problem is that these mistakes…

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The Burnout Cure: Seven Tips


How to take back control in your life Are you overwhelmed? Overworked? Over-committed? All of the above?  So many school counselors would describe themselves as burned out not fired up. Days are characterized by TOO MUCH. There is too much to do at school. Kids are more needy than ever. Teachers are on their last…

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Connection with Kids

Two fathers play educational games with their children,

Connection with Kids In her book, The Good News about Bad Behavior, the author, Kathryn Lewis, identifies three steps that are taught in the Parent Encouragement Program. It will come as no surprise to counselors of all types that the first step is connection. Establishing rapport with a student is always the first necessary step…

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Kids and Loss. How to Help.

Sad child

How to help kids cope loss A grandparent is sick and in hospice. A parent or sibling has terminal cancer. A close friend or relative is undergoing treatment for a chronic disease. Children are not protected from loss and grief any more than adults are, yet they often have fewer emotional resources or coping mechanisms…

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Picking the Topics for Elementary Small Groups

happy teacher

Small groups are a great way develop relationships with students and teach meaningful lessons, all while maximizing your time by serving several students at once. What’s the downside? For me it was developing an effective system that I could repeat over and over rather than re-creating the wheel every year. The first question to tackle…

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What to Do About a Student with Angry Outbursts

Angry upset boy, little man

Angry Outbursts: Prevention and Coping Skills On a School Counselor Facebook page, a school counselor asks for help with a 5th grader who regularly has angry outbursts over such things as forgetting his work at home or his Chromebook is missing from the class. During sessions focused on helping him calm down, he’s still very…

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