The Spirit of Giving: Fostering Generosity in Schools

caring hands

Teaching Kids to be Generous With the holiday season in full swing, it is a great time to teach children about generosity and gratitude. However, developing a servant heart and a spirit of giving is a trait that doesn’t need to end after the holiday is over. By weaving the value of giving into the…

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Everybody’s Welcome: How to Foster Inclusivity in the Classroom

kids together

Creating an inclusive classroom is vital to fostering a sense of belonging for every student. When students feel welcome and included, they are more likely to engage in learning, build positive relationships, and develop a strong sense of self-worth. As elementary school counselors, we have the unique opportunity to guide both teachers and students in…

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The Heart of Friendship: Nurturing Empathy in Young Hearts

kids on playground

In an elementary school, friendships play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s social and emotional development. As elementary school counselors, our mission is not only to address academic concerns but also to nurture the emotional intelligence of tomorrow’s leaders. One crucial aspect of this emotional intelligence is empathy—the ability to understand and share the…

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Three Types of Empathy and Why They Matter Today

Twin sisters on Wooden pier

It’s not all about ME! Why Empathy Matters What do you envision as the foundation of your school culture? your family culture? Is it all about me and what I want? Making the best grades. Having the most friends. Winning, Scoring, Getting to the head of the line… I doubt that is what you envisioned,…

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The secret formula to help kids develop self-confidence

family and one word

Developing resilient children  A key component to develop resilient children is recognizing that every child already has the necessary ingredients for resilience within. As educators and parents we don’t have to instill it in them. We just have to provide an environment where it is nurtured and can grow. In her book, Thrivers: The Surprising…

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Seven Ways to Teach Children Empathy

Twin sisters on Wooden pier

Understanding someone else’s feelings What is empathy? Empathy is the ability to understand and feel what others feel.  It is putting yourself in another’s shoes. When my youngest daughter was little she watched the movie, The Fox and The Hound and cried and cried at the end when Todd was attacked by the bear.  That’s…

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